To get a better grasp of what is DevOps, let’s take a look at some ‘cultural’ underpinnings fostering the creation of this new IT movement, profession, and practice.
In the IT industry, everything starts with an idea for a solution. The goal of any IT project is to either improve or introduce a new function that generates value both for the end-users and the product owner (entrepreneur).
Businesses pursue an agenda of growing their revenues through attracting more users with better offerings. Nonprofits pursue some idea that could be turned into a solution, improving someone’s life or benefiting society as a whole.
To achieve those goals, an idea has to be transformed into an IT product. At this point, things can go awry as different parties end up having somewhat contradicting agendas:
DevOps engineer is a ‘central control point’ syncing work performed by a development team with operations and infrastructure support teams. The main function of DevOps is to facilitate the creation of a unified software development life cycle that includes seamless development, deployment, and release of new products.
Wondering how a DevOps engineer looks in real life? Most likely, it’s either a former senior system administrator or a former IT developer. It’s a person who’s well in-the-know of all the product features and all the organizational roles. They maintain direct contact and gather feedback from all the teams and the business when it comes to IT product features. If you are planning to hire or promote someone for this role, you should not just seek out a tech-savvy candidate who can decipher all the code changes and always has a valid explanation for unusual server spikes. It’s worth considering a naturally curious person, who has a strong affinity towards the product and is a great communicator. The ideal DevOps specialist knows how to uncover and fix issues that hinder the product’s performance.